
DailyPay Asian Pacific Islander ERG

DailyBloom empowers employees who identify as or are allies to the Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian communities by promoting a culture of inclusion and belonging. They provide a platform to recognize, celebrate, and support the diverse cultures, voices, and experience of the API communities.

DailyBloom’s previous name was DailyAAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) however DailyPay has multiple branches outside of the U.S. and employees a part of the API community felt less included with the label “American” in the title. I was tasked to recreate a new name and logo that would be inclusive of all member of the API community not exclusive to Asian Americans.

Deliverables: New name for ERG + New Logo

Logo Mocks


All of DailyPay’s ERG’s are required to have “daily” in the brand’s custom “Horizon” font with the group’s name following. When deciding on names, I started listing out keywords that remind of the API community like family, islands, flowers, roots, beaches, foods, and spices. I wanted to pick a name that brought a sense of unity.

Final Design

When voting on the final design, the team voted on the flower motif and the name “Bloom”. The story behind the name is that the ERG is here to support those in the API community to flourish in their identity. The word “bloom” can also be associated with freshness and to be radiant. The flower motif was perfect for the new name where each petal is needed to complete the flower just like how people come together to complete our community.


DailyPay Hackathon 2023


Personal Branding